Billing Portal

Business Starter $6/user/month,1 year commitment. (Or $7.20 per user / month, when billed monthly)
Business Standard $12/user/month,1 year commitment. (Or $14.40 per user / month, when billed monthly)
Business Plus $18/user/month,1 year commitment. (Or $21.60 per user / month, when billed monthly)

We partnered with Stripe to handle our subscriptions. The link below will take you to  our Customer Portal at Stripe.  There, you can manage your billing details and payment methods, as well as signup for new services, upgrade or cancel your existing subscriptions. 

(*) Above prices are for 1 year commitment. If paid monthly, please add 20% ( Starter: $7.20/user/month, Standard: $14.40/user/month, Plus: $21.60/user/month)